Stratum’s Warranty

Stratum Foundation Repair


Highly rated foundation repair in McKinney TX

1. Lifetime Warranty. The warranty is valid for the lifetime of the foundation.

2. Transferable. The warranty can be transferred to the succeeding homeowners and those homeowners will be educated on proper maintenance via an emailed maintenance recommendation form.

3. Who decides if you need warranty work? Other companies decide themselves if you need adjustments. It is up to the company holding the warranty to decide whether or not your house needs adjustments. Whose interest do you imagine the company is trying to protect when they re-inspect your home? At Stratum your warranty is controlled by an unbiased 3rd party – a state licensed engineer. If the engineer determines that our piers need adjustments, we will schedule a crew back out to your house, no questions asked.

The bottom line: At other companies the warranty is written for THEM, at Stratum the warranty is written for YOU!


Warranty Claim

For warranty claims Please first check your signed proposal/contract under Lifetime Warranty details for requirements for a warranty claim and then fill out the form below.

Warranty Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • Max. file size: 50 MB.

What Our Clients Are Saying
