Foundation Repair Estimate, Videos December 15, 2021

What Can You Expect During a Foundation Repair Estimate?

Written By: Logun Liening

Foundation repair estimates begin with an inspection conducted by a professional estimator, which ultimately gets verified by a structural engineer.

These experts have experience at quickly detecting foundation damage, and they have an in-depth understanding of structural defects and will recommend repair solutions, depending on what they find.

At Stratum, we offer a free foundation repair estimate to property owners whether they’re concerned about a small crack in their concrete or other  issues that could lead to foundation failure.

In areas of Dallas and Fort Worth that have unsteady soil it is important to keep an eye on potential foundation issues, as maintenance can mean the difference between structural reliability and the need for foundation piers.

The same may be true if the foundation of your property is near the water table. Rising water often causes shifts in the soil when it recedes, which could affect the support of a structure’s foundation. Drainage solutions are offered by Stratum to help combat these issues. 

When to Get a Foundation Repair Estimate

We recommend getting a foundation repair estimate once per year. However, it may be necessary to call out a foundation expert more often if you live in a neighborhood that is more susceptible to foundation issues.

Parts of Texas are known for having clay soil that often leads to foundation problems. Soil may shift, causing significant structural problems.

In some areas, it is difficult to find a permanent solution, so it’s important to keep an eye out for any structural defects that could lead to worse foundation problems later down the road.

If you detect any of the following issues with your home or property, call us for a free estimate.

Examples of foundation issues are foundation cracks, cracks in basement walls, horizontal cracks in your foundation, structural damage to brick veneer, tilting in your beam foundation, gaps forming around your windows, or any other various exterior indications. These are all signs that you have a sinking or settling foundation.

There may also be signs of foundation issues from inside of a structure, like doors and windows that don’t fit or close properly, floors that are sagging or tilting, or cracks in the walls and sheetrock. 

If you see any of the above, contact Stratum Foundation Repair and we will send out a professional technician for a free estimate.

What we Look for in a Foundation Repair Estimate

Most homeowners don’t have inspectors out often enough. When an inspection is conducted it must be thorough enough to catch any potential issues, both for property maintenance and to avoid safety hazards.

During their inspection, engineers compare a structural map of the property with their observations of the actual physical property to see whether the two are consistent. They look for any damage to the property that may indicate a shift in the foundation’s structure as well as any indications of unevenness.

A foundation repair company may send a certified expert, to ensure that there’s a verifiable foundation issue. The inspector will understand the property dynamics as well as the soil mechanics beneath it.

Structural engineers and field technicians look for signs of foundation movement  by taking precise measurements. They also seek to learn the cause of the damage and begin to consider a repair method. In some cases recommendations may be made with preventative care in mind. The earlier we can catch a foundation issue, the cheaper and easier it is to repair or to prevent serious damage that could pose a safety risk.

A major structural problem like a sinking foundation may have been caused by shifting soil. The same could be true of an uneven concrete slab which could require concrete foundation repair.

In some cases, our team may recommend that hydraulic pressed concrete piers be used to stabilize a structure. Hydraulically installed piers allow workers to drive as many helical piers or concrete cylinders into the ground as needed to reach the load-bearing strata, which is far more stable ground. Technicians place each pier along the wall strategically to make sure pressure is distributed evenly.

If there are ugly interior cracks after a foundation is adjusted it is best to wait a few weeks before beginning sheetrock repair, as the house will settle a bit into the new piering system.

Assessment of a foundation crack helps determine how serious it is. Vertical cracks are usually not as indicative of a problem to a home’s structural integrity, whereas horizontal cracks could indicate a far more serious risk.

The foundation repair cost depends on the severity of the damage to the structure, but the average foundation repair cost is around $7,284 based on our experience. One should also take into account that this includes structures that need serious repair. 

In many cases, simple foundation cosmetic crack repair costs far less than this, and the process is usually quicker and easier than expected.

Foundation repair pricing depends on the seriousness of the damage as well as how much equipment and staff may be needed for the repair process.

This would also include the cost of materials like helical or concrete piers that are driven into the ground and will remain on the property permanently.

If you’re handy with tools and enjoy DIY projects, it’s certainly worth researching whether you can safely make minor repairs on your own, using consumer foundation repair products.

However, if you see potential foundation issues, it is best to call and schedule a time for us to come out and perform an inspection. We will take an initial look to determine if a structural engineer is needed for an unbiased assessment. This will lead to developing a detailed plan and estimate for what your foundation repairs would cost, and how long they will take to complete. 

Foundation Repair Video  

This is video footage of a walk-around in order to gauge damages caused by foundation settlement. 

In the video you will see brick cracks, gapping at the windows, trim separation, sheetrock cracks, slab cracks, doors out of alignment, and doors that won’t shut. 

All these are symptoms of an underlying foundation issue. 

Stratum Foundation Repair specializes in solving the underlying foundation problem. We are a leading company serving Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, and the entire DFW Metroplex.

Reach out for a free assessment, and we’ll get back to you right away!