Finding a Foundation Repair Company March 23, 2020

Finding the Right Foundation Repair Company (4/4)

Written By: Logun Liening

After learning all of the basics of foundation repair, the signs that a home exhibits when foundation repair is necessary and the process of foundation repair, it’s time to examine how to find the right foundation company to ensure the process is done correctly, done well, and that all factors are taken into account to create a plan for the future.

Foundation repair is a big job. It’s the type of job where you want to be certain – and confident – that will be done well.

You also want to ensure that you’re covered should any issues arise in the future, and work with your experts to have a plan in place to prevent further damage to your foundation. It’s important to find a true solution that’s comprised of both fixing the problem and developing a plan for the future – and, should any issues arise, you’re backed by the company’s work.

After interviewing a foundation repair consultant from Stratum Foundation Repair, here’s a list of factors people looking to hire a foundation company should keep in mind.

Here’s what you should look for in a great foundation repair company:

  1. Free Inspection

A great foundation company will work with you, from the very beginning of the process, to help you discover whether or not you have foundation issues. They’ll help you assess the signs and symptoms you’ve noticed in your home to get to the root of the problem – at no cost to you. If foundation repair is, indeed, necessary, they’ll work with you to discover the cause and the solution.

  1. Plan of Action: Present and Future

Foundation experts work with homeowners to determine the cause of any foundation problems and the best methods of repair. However, their job doesn’t end upon repairing the foundation. It’s important that they work to develop a comprehensive foundation repair plan that also takes into account the original problem and prevents it from occurring in the future.

They’ll help you develop a plan of action to stop any avoidable foundation issues moving forward, whether the changes are behavioral, related to landscape design or otherwise. This aspect is so important, even though it’s one that people often neglect to think about.

Most people focus on the repair of the actual foundation, however, if the issue that caused the foundation problems in the first place is never corrected then foundation problems will likely arise again in the future. This is exactly what most homeowners want to avoid, which is why it’s an important factor to take into consideration when consulting with any foundation repair expert.

  1. Warranty

As with any large scale home repair, it’s important to find a company that stands behind its foundation work for years to come. This is important for the homeowner in case issues with the foundation arise resulting from the repair process, but also to ensure the homeowner is not on the hook to pay for further repairs on a foundation that should have been repaired – and maintained – by the hired company in the first place.

For example, let’s assume all work was done correctly in the foundation repair process. However, years down the road, an issue with one of the piers installed arises that needs repair. A homeowner should be covered under the original warranty and not be required or liable to pay for damage they didn’t cause, especially if it’s an issue with the materials originally used within the repair.

It’s likely that once you have had your home’s foundation repaired you won’t have the same significant issues that you had before the repair. Even with perfect maintenance and the finest materials, soil and weather conditions can cause things to happen that require adjustment or maintenance. As with any installation where nature is a factor, additional issues may arise on the basis of friction.

You should look for a company that stands behind the foundation work, and has a good reputation for doing so. The best offer lifetime warranties so you don’t have to worry about foundation repair ever again.

For example, when you purchase a car, you expect that some amount of maintenance is necessary, like oil changes. Similarly, you want any foundation work to be backed up by a reliable company; one that you know will service the foundation, if necessary. Research the company before you hire.

  1. Homeowner Safeguards

Also, reliable companies often work with a third-party engineer that works for the benefit of the home – not with any particular company. It’s a great solution to ensure warranty protection for the lifetime of the materials and the home.

Ask whether the company ensures that all work is permitted through the city – another way to help safeguard you as a homeowner.

You also want to ensure that the company will work with a structural engineer to document all foundation repairs with a certificate of repair upon completion. This can help assure you, the homeowner, or sometimes, the next homeowner, that everything has been done properly.

  1. Warranty Ownership

Not only should you ensure the foundation repair company backs up their foundation work with a warranty, but it’s important to also pay attention to the specifics of the warranty.

Some companies will provide a warranty, however, if the home owner moves and there’s a foundation issue, the new home owner will have to hire another expert. A great foundation company warranty issues the warranty with the home, so change of ownership isn’t a factor.

That means that, upon selling your home, the foundation is guaranteed by the company regardless of who the home owner may be. The warranty stays with the home, not the homeowner, so the foundation is under warranty no matter who is the home’s owner. In selling your home and disclosing any foundation issues, this allows the prospective buyer to feel safe and assured in their home investment.

At the end of the day, a great foundation repair company works with the customer to create a plan that helps to ensure repairs won’t be necessary and that problems occur over the lifetime of the home less often. Basically, you want a company to do it right the first time and stand by their work – it’s easier for the company and the homeowner.

Do you suspect you have foundation problems?

Ready to claim your FREE inspection? Call Stratum today! 214-683-2956