Uncategorized March 23, 2020

5 reasons why Foundation Repair should be at the top of your list!

Written By: Logun Liening

5 Reasons why you should repair your Foundation issues ASAP!

You are noticing signs of foundation issues in your home. Doors don’t close, you have unsightly cracks in your sheetrock, and you are beginning to notice cracks in your bricks. These are all signs that you have a foundation issue, here are 5 reasons why you should repair ASAP!

Separation caused by a shifting foundation

1 Homes move seasonally. They move down during the hotter, drier summer months, and upward during the cooler, wetter months. It is this constant upward and downward movement that eventually leads to broken plumbing pipes. Plumbing repairs can run thousands of dollars. Broken pipes under your foundation often lead to a substantially more expensive foundation repair plan and make the repairs much more difficult to carry out. If it is winter time let Stratum repair your home now to keep it at its elevated state and avoid another sinking this summer. If it is summer it is important to get the house up as soon as possible to release the pressure on the pipes, and of course prevent any future downward movement.

Movement in your foundation eventually leads to broken plumbing pipes

2 Time=More Work. The further you allow your foundation to settle the more secondary repairs you will have to pay for. This includes sheetrock repairs, window and door adjustments, flooring repairs, roof leaks, brick and mortar repair, plumbing repairs, as you can see the list goes on and on. The sooner you repair your home the less expensive these additional problems will be to repair — or they may not even occur at all!

Sheetrock cracks due to foundation movement

3 Time=Money. Foundation repairs will absolutely cost you more in the future than they will today. Ever increasing material and labor costs will always lead to higher repair costs for the consumer.

Concrete cylinders used to secure your foundation

4 Moving Soon? In the event you plan on selling your home in the relatively near future it is ALWAYS better to have these repairs completed prior to listing the home. This way YOU control the choice of contractor, and of course the price you are willing to pay. Once a buyer is in the picture they tend to have leverage in this regard.

Sell your home for more!

5 — You should hold off on all other home improvements until AFTER your foundation has been repaired. Most Families have a list of things they would like to do to their home. Foundation repair needs to be FIRST, as any other repairs done ahead of foundation repair can be compromised when your home is mechanically lifted.